1. Ateneo+

  2. Contenuto della pagina
  3. Menu principale di navigazione
  4. Footer
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Declaration of website accessibility for persons referred to in Article 3 paragraph 1-bis of Law No. 4 of 9 January 2004

The Banca Popolare di Sondrio Banking Group is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with law no. 4 of 9 January 2004. This declaration of accessibility applies to the "Ateneo+" website.

Compliance Status
Partially compliant

This website is partially compliant with the requirements of Appendix A of standard UNI CEI EN 301549 due to the cases of non-compliance listed below.

Non-accessible content

The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with law no. 4 of 9 January 2004.
    1. the layout is not fully responsive;
    2. page structure is not always semantically correct (e.g. titles, menu elements);
    3. presence of elements that are not correctly displayed to the screen reader (e.g. cookie banners);
    4. presence of non-compliant colour contrasts;
    5. presence of images without alternative text, or with alternative text that is not completely adequate;
    6. presence of incorrectly identified links and buttons.
    7. No accessible alternatives are currently available as we are committed to applying specific actions to resolve the problems encountered.
Drafting the accessibility declaration

This declaration was drawn up on 03/11/2022.
The information in the declaration was obtained from a self-assessment carried out directly by the provider

Reporting modalities and contact details of the reporting entity

If you have any questions, feedback, doubts or specific problems with accessibility, please send an e-mail to accessibilita@popso.it including a thorough explanation and indication of the web page/URL where the problem was found.
Reports will be processed as quickly as possible by the technical staff of the Banca Popolare di Sondrio Banking Group.

How to send reports to AgID

In the event of an unsatisfactory reply or failure to reply within 30 days to the notification or request, the person concerned may submit a complaint using the following link: https://www.agid.gov.it/it/design-servizi/accessibilita/linee-guida-accessibilita-privati.

About the website
  • The publication date of the website: 3/11/2022
  • Usability tests have been carried out: no
Information about the structure
  • The number of employees with disabilities in the company is 159, 4 of whom need workstations equipped with assistive technology.
  • The number of workstations for employees with disabilities is 4.